Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First day of real work!!

Well, as I said before, the first thing we are going to tackle is removing the inside panels so we can replace the electrical and insulation. We started today drilling out the rivets on the inside (it seems like there are thousands to remove). Erika started drilling out the rivets on the inside while I tried my hand in grinding off the backs of some "buck rivets" that can not be drilled. Below is a picture of the buck rivets that have to be removed with a grinder.

Once I ground the backs of the rivets off, I had to drill through them from the back to get them to release.While I was grinding, erika was drilling out the rivets with a 1/8' drill bit. Although we do not have safety goggles, we do have swimming goggles. We figured that its better to be safe than to look cool;)
This is a picture of the inside of the "Tin Man" with the first panel taken off, the insulation is still on though.
Now we have taken the insulation out, it is pretty nasty stuff although we didnt expect much better considering the insulation is 45 years old (its just a little older than my mom;).
We had a little visitor(shekena), we called her our airstream bandit. While she did not steal anything tangible, she did steal our valuable time by just sitting on the wheel well and doing nothing. But in her defense she did help us take down the first panel because it was so big.
After we got the first panel off we had to bust the back of the rivets out of the framework.
Erika decided to take a self portrait of herself in her wonderful isolation mask;)
We managed to get 4 panels off in about 2.5hrs and this is me getting rid of some old fiberglass insulation. Nasty stuff I tell you!
This is our final stopping point for the day. Unfortunately we also have school obligations and must study some too. But we have a pretty good starting point and should be able to get the rest of the panels off in another half day or so.
Also as a side note :as soon as we started taking the insulation out, the sun started busting through the outside panels and really heating up the trailer. It felt like it was about 150deg inside when we finished. Thank God for windows and a brisk breeze!

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