Friday, September 18, 2009

First phase complete????

Well you might say that we finished our first phase in the reconstruction of "Tin Man". We have removed all of the aluminum sheeting on the inside of the trailer and removed all of the insulation (Thank God that is over). Now we are at a bit off a cross roads because we arent sure if we are going to use the current electrical system, which is in very good shape, or rewire the whole thing. I have a friend who can help us rewire it and he also has a few hundred feet of copper wire that we can use but Im just not sure if it needs it or not. But meanwhile, we can start working on refurbishing the aluminum that we took off. Some of it needs to be stripped of its old paint and polished and some just needs to be sanded down smooth. We decided to paint all of the sides and leave the ceiling portion polished aluminum. Hopefully that will give it a nice feel. We are also thinking about puting in a wood burning stove or pellet stove instead of replacing the existing furnace. But these are all pipe dreams until we get ourselves jobs and can actually pay for all of these extravegant visions that we hope will simplify our lives (kind of ironic I guess). But for now we are at a stopping point and will keep doing little things like repairing aluminum, drawing out floor plans, ets.

This is a shot looking from back to front

This is another shot from back to front but you can see more of the ceiling
And finally, from the front looking toward the back

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